A trip to Israel for the Christian, especially when traveling with a fellowship of believers, is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding and enjoyable trips of their lives! So for Christians who already have Israel on their bucket list of places to visit, it’s not hard to convince them of the value of such a journey: a greater understanding of the holy scriptures, drawing nearer to Yeshua, and returning home spiritually refreshed. These are among just a few of the blessings of Christian group travel to Israel. All believers want to draw closer to God; especially in these chaotic times we’re living in! A trip to Israel for a Christian is an exciting way to do just that. There are just so many awesome things that happen when experiencing the Holy Land with your church congregation, bible study group, or a group of your Christian friends. There are many facets of enjoyment in taking this spiritual journey. Let’s talk about a few.
First, while each tour participant will visit the same sites, not everyone will experience it in the same way. As you travel through the land where Jesus ministered, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to you and what He desires to speak to your heart. Because He responds to each of us in different places and in different ways, you will have personal experiences unlike other travelers and vice versa. When you gather to eat meals together (koinonia) in the evenings, pray together, share with one another what the Lord has put on your heart. In this way, you can edify one another and create lasting memories of these heavenly appointments, and establish a stronger bond with your companions and a deeper connection to God.
Often times, your guide will stay at the same hotel as your tour group. This gives you a chance to invite him or her to your table to share meals. Sharing meals is a wonderful way to bear witness to God’s love for the world. And you can learn a lot from guides that you might not learn about during your daytime travels throughout the country! Most Israeli guides are like walking encyclopedias and they love to share their knowledge and passion for the Land. You’ll also find most Israeli guide’s have a great sense of humor and are excellent story tellers! One of the guides Coral has worked with for more than 20 years is Roni Winters – I’ll always remember him telling the story about Neil Armstrong’s trip to Israel and I’m paraphrasing:
When American astronaut Neil Armstrong, a devout Christian, visited Israel after his trip to the moon, he went on a tour of the Old City of Jerusalem. When he got to the Hulda Gate, which is at the top of the stairs leading to the Temple Mount, Armstrong asked his guide whether Jesus had been there.
The archaeologist/guide told him basically: Jesus was a Jew…these steps lead to the Temple, so he must have walked there many times. Then Armstrong asked if the steps they were standing on were the original stones and the guide confirmed they were.
Armstrong told him he was more excited stepping on those stones where Jesus had walked than he was stepping on the moon.
These little anecdotes and tidbits really add to the richness of the experience. Coral Tours handpicks all the guides we work with and these are amazing people! Don’t hesitate to talk with them, get to know them, they are ready and willing to assist you, to share their knowledge about the people and the land of Israel! And you have an opportunity to be a light for Jesus.
Now, let’s talk food! Normally, a full Israeli breakfast in the morning and a dinner in the evening at your hotel is included in your tour package. As I mentioned, it is a full breakfast – in no way is it like the continental hotel breakfasts most Americans are used to. At the breakfast buffet you’ll likely see assorted fresh vegetables including the traditional tomato and cucumber salad, assorted breads, cheeses, fruit, olives, tahini, smoked fish, hummus, yogurt, bourekas and so much more. It’s fresh, delicious and there’s lots of it. Keep in mind though most hotels serve kosher and dairy based breakfast so don’t expect bacon. I’ve yet to find someone disappointed with the meals in Israel. About dinner – here again you’ll find a wide variety of dishes to choose from including various meat dishes, fish, vegetables, fruit, assorted salads, hummus, falafel, shawarma, and desserts galore. If you find something you really love, Israeli’s are so friendly and helpful I’m sure the chef will likely give you the recipe! Once when my daughter was looking for after supper desert, an Israeli waiter brought out from the kitchen a whole cake! The great thing is since you’ll be walking a lot during the tour – there’s no need to worry about gaining any weight during your visit!

So, whether you’re ready to go to Israel today, in a year, or 2 years from now keep in mind the many benefits of Christian group travel. You’ll be blessed and you’ll be a blessing to others especially when sharing a table!
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Hi Rita,
We just updated the Jonathan Cahn 2021 Israel Super Tour & Pilgrimage tour page: https://c567d73.online-server.cloud/~coralto/destinations/israel-tours-for-christians/jonathan-cahn-fall-2021-israel-super-tour/ You can get all the information you’re wanting there. Brochure, etc… If you have any questions we’d love to help, you can call us at 866.267.2511. God bless!
PLEASE, send ME from Pastor Jonathan’s Cahn trip tour to Israel, etc. when, how much for a single etc., and when, THANKS SORRY i forgot its for OCT. OR NOV. 2021. REMEMBER