Christians know and have read about Jesus’s life and ministry in the Land of Israel. His most memorable and significant miracles, like raising Lazarus to life, healing the sick, performing exorcisms, and subduing nature.
Between the well-known stories and parables are little details that illuminate points of interest about Jesus’ life and his disciples in Israel:
The Beginnings
What we know about Jesus’ early years is thanks to the Bible. He was born in Bethlehem. His earthly father, Joseph, was warned in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt (Matthew 2:13). They had to flee to Egypt to spare him from being killed by King Herod’s decree to slay all baby boys under the age of two in Bethlehem.
Later, in yet another dream, Joseph learned Herod was dead and was told it was safe to return to the land of Israel. They traveled to Nazareth, and it was there that Jesus lived. Since his father was a carpenter, it’s logical to assume he was involved in construction projects and that he learned those skills from his father.
It is believed that he lived in Nazareth until he was about 30 years old at which time he began his earthly ministry. He traveled throughout Galilee preaching the word of God to locals and encouraging them to repent of their ways to fulfill God’s mission in this world.
Jesus’s Time in Galilee and Miracles
In Galilee is where Jesus preached about God’s love and the Kingdom of Heaven. It was also here where he recruited his twelve disciples and a base of followers and believers that would help him preach the God’s word.
And it was here where he performed a series of miracles that remain famous to this day:
- Walking on water – Matthew 14:22-33
- Raising Lazarus from the Dead – John 11:38-44
- Feeding the Five Thousand – Matthew 14:13-21
Taking a trip to Galilee is an ideal way to see and visit the places where the miracles took place, so you get a real feel for the places where he preached.
His Adulthood and Last Days
Jerusalem is holy to Christians since it is the place where Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected.
This is where Jesus’s final path began, where all the events surrounding his death and resurrection took place. It was at the Mount of Olives, in the Garden of Gethsemane where he was apprehended, and at Calvary (Golgotha) where he was crucified.
Several days in the Christian calendar commemorate those times when Jesus suffered. Nowadays, we suffer with him and remember him for acknowledging all the sacrifices he made for us.
- Palm Sunday: It was a Sunday when Jesus triumphantly entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, as his followers and supporters cheered him, waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna” to their King.
- Maundy Thursday: This day marks the Last Supper, when Jesus shared bread with his disciples and washed their feet.
- Good Friday: This is the most solemn day of the year for Christians since this was when Jesus took his final walk along Via Dolorosa.
- Easter Sunday: On this day, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and all across Jerusalem and the Holy Land, sunrise services are held.
During these days, thousands of Catholic and Orthodox pilgrims recreate The Way of the Cross, following in the footsteps of Jesus, stopping along the way at the various Stations of the Cross. The procession culminates at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Protestants also hold sacred services on Easter at the site of the Garden Tomb.
Visiting Jerusalem during Easter is a special experience. Many Christians make the pilgrimage to joyously celebrate Easter Sunday or as some know Resurrection Sunday.
Our Times and Era
Nowadays, we celebrate and commemorate these times by recreating them and making them as close as possible to reality. To live and experience in some way what Jesus lived and suffered makes us feel closer to him.
Visiting Israel, especially during Easter, is an unforgettable and unique memory in the life of every Christian. It’s something you don’t want to miss.
Many Christians travel to Israel to see, visit, and experience the most iconic landmarks where Jesus grew up, lived, and performed his miracles.
Taking a trip to these biblical places helps us consider how life was in those times, giving us a sense of understanding and, in a way, relating to him and reliving those moments with him.
With the help of Coral Tours, we’ll ensure that your trip ends on a high note and that you’ve seen the memorable places of Israel that Jesus lived and passed through.
You will find the best bible land tours with Coral Tours, your #1 resource for Christian trips to Israel and beyond.
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